Saturday, September 13, 2014

Skillet Apple Pie

Skillet Apple Pie with Cinnamon Whipped Cream Recipe  Trisha Yearwood  Food Network

Trisha Yearwood made this pie on Trisha’s Southern Cooking this morning.  And since I just blogged about how a piece of pie and cup of coffee gives me pleasure,  I’m thinking, “To heck with healthy eating for a meal," I’m going to make this pie and have a piece!”  

Of course I don’t have a 9” iron skillet, mine is 10.5, and she say’s that’s too big, because you want a deep dish pie, so I’m either going to have to add more pie filling if I use the 10.5”  iron skillet, or I suppose I could use a 9” cake pan, that would work, but there is just something about cast iron, I love cooking in it, much more in my old(er) age than when I was younger.  Mother always used cast iron, and of course I had to break away from it and become an independent cook, but life does come full circle and I’m once again enamored with cast iron, it runs a close second to Ball Mason Jars.  So the thought of making this pie in a cake pan just doesn’t do it for me.  Maybe WalMart has a 9” Lodge Cast Iron Skillet, it’s worth a try.

So, I posted the recipe on Jan CAN Cook, if it intrigues you as well, check it out.  It takes 5-10 minutes to make, you start by melting a stick of butter and a cup of brown sugar in the bottom of your skillet, and then start building the pie.  What’s not to love, this has to be good.  I may make chili to go with it, too.  I’ll update you when I make it...

Here’s a quick link to the recipe on Jan CAN Cook


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