Friday, July 25, 2014

Abby's Summer Visit 2014...

Photo Booth

Abby has been here this week for her summer visit and we’ve had such a good time.  She’s such a funny little girl, she giggles until she hiccups, she sings, she dances, she’s the most precious little soul.  

The last time we visited her she showed me her Strawberry Lip Smackers, and I showed her my Cotton Candy Lip Smackers that I always carry with me.  She wanted me to have Strawberry, she wanted Cotton Candy, so off to Target we go and thankfully they had both, this was high on her priority list this visit, both of us having the same ones.


She’s very girly these days, my friend Trish’s granddaughter Hayden came to play, and Abby proceeds to put on every piece of jewelry she brought with her, including her tiara, flower and several flower clip-ons that you can’t see because they are on her ponytail.


The jewelry didn’t come off after Hayden left, we went for our evening ride on Milly in full regalia.  Oh, she had so much fun that night, waving to everyone we met on our ride.  


She took one of my shopping bags and she was carrying it around with all of her “treasures” in it.  It was enormous, big and bulky and it kept slipping off her shoulder, so I went into my closet and gave her one of my purses and a matching makeup bag.  It was a big hit and I taught her how to wear it across her body like a messenger bag and it went everywhere with her, even to bed.  Poor Lindsay having to deal with the bag, I don’t think this child and that purse will be soon parted, she just loves it.


See what I mean, it was always with her.  We were at McDonald’s in this picture where we went every single day of her visit for lunch because she wanted the Happy Meal.  She only ate the fries and drank the apple juice, and freely admitted the only reason she wanted to go was for the toy, but it was fine with us, that’s what Grandparents are for, to indulge their grandchildren.


Here’s she’s wearing a Railroad Engineer’s cap, watching Netflix.  She quickly learned how to queue up her movies and shows, she has her own Abby profile and was an avid Barbie movie fan.


She and P-Pa were buddies, they had so much fun with Lego’s.  I don’t know which “kid” enjoyed it most.  And there were also lots of trips to the woods on Milly, because the pirates came again this summer, and put treasures daily in the treasure chest hidden in the rocks.  I have video of this, but that’s for another blog entry.  It's so exciting for her, this ongoing treasure hunt that we do every summer, more about that later...


She’s a chip girl, tells everyone that Lay’s Classics are her faves, but she does love Ruffles, too.  We were out for a drive, saw a Lay’s truck making a delivery, and of course, P-pa had to turn around so that we could get a picture.  She was so excited to take her picture in front of the truck, it was one of the highlights of her trip.


We took her and her ever present bag to the river one evening after bath time.  She loved sitting and watching the boats and wanted to know how we could get down there and get on a ski boat.  The slower boats held no interest for her, she liked the fast ones!


One day we went to the park with her ever present bag and her Happy Meal.  


She loved the ducks, named them all and fed them an entire loaf of bread.

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And that was our week.  A whole lotta laughter, a whole lotta giggles and smiles, and most important of all, a whole lotta love.  

Bye for now sweet Abby, see ya’ round a donut...


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