Thursday, October 31, 2013

Sloppy Joes, revisited once again...



Every year I post my Sloppy Joe recipe.  It’s been a Halloween tradition in our family since the boys were little.    It was always so easy to just make Sloppy Joes earlier in the day on Halloween, and serve them with potato chips before the boys headed out for the evening.  Oh, how I miss those days, but the tradition continues and now their families have Sloppy Joes on Halloween.

So here is the recipe again, it’s my annual halloween post.  It’s just the easiest and the best recipe, ever.  Pinkie swear it is.  ~ Jan 

1 lb. ground beef
1 onion, chopped 
1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 
1 teaspoon salt 
1 Tablespoon white vinegar 
2 heaping Tablespoons brown sugar 
1 Cup Heinz Ketchup 1/4 cup water 
Cayenne Pepper to taste

Brown meat and onion, season with salt, pepper and cayenne pepper.

Drain, add remaining ingredients and simmer uncovered for 30 minutes.  If mixture gets too thick, add a bit more water. 

Note:  I usually double this recipe.  When the boys were little, they loved Velveeta Cheese melted on the top of the sloppy joes.  I would put the joes on the bun, top with the cheese, leave the top bun off, and nuke it until the cheese melted.  Velveeta is so “not cool” these days, but for some recipes it will always be the best! 


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