Sunday, October 20, 2013




I switched out my closet today, putting away summer clothes, bringing out the fall and winter.  It was so quiet, the only noise was the hangers bumping against the wall.  Our clothes hold so many memories, I was smiling as I remembered wearing some of them this summer, frowning because there were others that were never worn because they didn't fit.

And I wonder what changes will be in my life when I switch them out again in the spring.  Will hubby and I be in good health?  Will they fit better than they did this summer, as I seem to be hanging in there with my new eating lifestyle.  What will sweet Abby and Ben be doing by spring, they are growing so quickly.

Lots of changes for sure, nothing stays the same.  And so it goes, folding and stacking, what do I keep, what do I pitch.  Feeling nostalgic, again.  What's going on with me and all of this reminiscing….


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