Monday, July 1, 2013

So how many pictures are on YOUR hard drive!!!!



Outta control doesn't begin  to cover it.  I take pictures, thousands of pictures, and they are only filed by date in folders on my hard drive.  At least  they are backed up to an external drive, but that's as good as it gets.   They are all jumbled together, they are so mixed up that trying to do any kind of organization is beyond me.  I keep "hoping" that someone will eventually come up with a program that will help filter them.  But i have no tags, nada nothing, so I'm pretty much SIL!

Things are so bad that I can't even try out the new Instagram video feature on my iPhone.  I was talking to my buddy V awhile ago, she was asking why I hadn't done any video, well it's because there is no room on my phone and now I have to make yet another folder and move all my iPhone pictures, all 1,750+ of them to my hard drive.  My organizational skills or lack thereof sometimes is mind boggling.

Just whining.  That is all….


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