Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Loretta Lynn's Ranch, Hurricane Mills, TN



Visiting Loretta Lynn's Ranch last week when we were visiting John and Deanna was hubby's idea. Somebody told him what a great place it was, and since he seldom voices an opinion about something he wants to do,  we all decided it was a good day trip, despite the fact that the weather forecast was in the high 90's and we trekked off to the country not knowing what to expect.

We expected it to be really hokey, but it was a pleasant surprise.  Her ranch is situated on 6500 acres in the beautiful Tennessee Hills, and despite the heat the humidity was low, and as long as you were in the shade it wasn't really that hot.

We toured the museum, I sat it out while the rest of them went thru a simulated coal mine and a reproduction of her childhood home.  Then we went to her home, a plantation built during the civil war.  That's us, standing on the front porch!  She doesn't live there any longer, in the 90's she built a home directly behind the plantation house, and now the original house is open for tours.

Here's a video about the ranch if you are interested.


 And the best part was the Crisco Kitchen.  Yep, they really did film all those Crisco commercials in the 80's right in her kitchen.  Here's a YouTube clip if you feel a fit of nostalgia coming on.

This Crisco commercial from 1984, and when it began she was sitting in her living room, then moved to the kitchen. And how did the house look?  Well, it's old and it smelled funky and the furniture was very dated.   She did have a pair of Patsy Cline's bedroom slippers at the foot of her bed, her bedroom was pink, and,  oh there's no way around it, that house was butt ugly!  But it was fascinating, it really was to see how she lived and where she raised her family.

Jan, just tellin' it like it is!!! 


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