Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Well, my New Years Eve was a disaster...


Holy Schmoly, nothing worked the way it should have yesterday.  I spent forever in the kitchen, made a cheese dip in the afternoon, we didn't enjoy it, neither one of us enjoyed the Country Club Chicken, the bananas were too green in the banana pudding, it just didn't do it either, and we couldn't find anything good on Netflix, we watched a horrid movie, fell asleep in the second one, gave up and went to bed at 9pm.

This will be a better day, this has to be a better day!!!!!!

And don't worry, I'm not going to bore you with a recap of last year.  I hate those, too.  Been there, done that, time to move on. 

♫♪Move 'em on, hit 'em up, hit 'em up, move 'em on
Move 'em on, hit 'em up, Rawhide Cut 'em out, ride 'em in, ride 'em im,

let 'em out, cut 'im out, Ride on in, Rawhide!

H'yah! H'yah ♫♪



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