Sunday, December 2, 2012

Don’t you love lazy Sundays…

It’s a gloomy, winter day.  Well, kind of, it’s 63 degrees outside, but I’m just ignoring the temperature.  I’m listening to my favorite Sirius Escape (channel 69) station, a pork roast is simmering in the slow cooker, the house smells of herbs and garlic, and I’m doing absolutely, positively, nothing.

I have been reading some really good books lately.  The Ladies Room is absolutely hilarious, if you want an afternoon of laughter, this is a great read.  It was so good, I read it in one day, just couldn’t put it down…

Secrets told in the church ladies' room are supposed to stay in the ladies' room. But that doesn't mean that what Trudy overhears there during her great-aunt Gertrude's funeral won't change the rest of her life.

Trudy has a daughter in the middle of a major rebellion; a two-timing husband who has been cheating for their entire married life; and a mother with Alzheimer's residing in the local nursing home. She doesn't really need a crumbling old house about to fall into nothing but a pile of memories and broken knickknacks.


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