Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Country Door Online, I’m a fan…



This catalog came in the mail last week, and it’s a goodie.  It’s chocked full of reasonably priced things that I don’t need, but am tempted to buy anyway.  I especially like this copper scarecrow, stuck in a bale of hay with an old shirt and a mum pinned to the lapel.  It’s pretty cute.

I love outdoor fall decorations, and have never forgiven hubby for leaving this awesome old iron wheelbarrow behind the garage at our previous house when we moved to the condo.  I know, I know, it’s been ten years, Jan, get over it! 

It was so cool, it had one side off, and I have a great picture somewhere of Munchie, my first Yorkie, sitting in that wheelbarrow amongst mums, cornstalks and pumpkins.  I would love for you all to see it, but have no idea where it is, but if you did see it, you would agree with me that he should never have left that wheelbarrow behind.  

Well, he shouldn’t!   You never know when you are going to need a long remembered treasure.Steaming mad

Just ignore me, I’m feeling nostalgic this afternoon.  Okay, LC, I’m over it.  You’ve gotten me countless other goodies over the year, that almost compensate for you leaving that wheelbarrow for new owners that probably didn’t appreciate it like I did.

Now go check out this catalog, you’re gonna love it.  Here’s the click!


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