Friday, August 31, 2012

Clint Eastwood, I LOVED his speech last night…


I’m reading the buzz this morning how about “terrible” Clint Eastwood’s speech was last night, that he drifted wildly off-script, mumbled, that he was incoherent, that he spoke without notes and without a clue of what he wanted to say.  I think the silver-maned screen icon knew exactly what he was doing, and played to the audience like the consummate professional he is.


We live in a nation of slick politicians, so slick that they are out of touch with the common people.  I don’t trust what they say, I always wonder what their agenda is, with their scripted speeches and their Brooks Brothers attire. But when Mr. Eastwood came onstage and just talked to the people, with his folksy demeanor, I was enthralled.  I thought the empty chair scenario was brilliant, and it infuriates me because people rake him over the coals because he didn’t follow protocol and wasn’t “polished.”  Sure he’s an older person, but he’s lived a lot of years and can contribute coherent thoughts to those who bother to listen to what he has to say.

I think it’s wonderful to see something unscripted.  And it’s not about politics with me, even though I don’t support Obama.  If he would have given the same “speech” at the DNC I would have enjoyed it just as much and laughed just as hard.

Life isn’t polished, people are real, we mumble, we ramble, we talk without sounding like a scripted robot, and if the digs he made hit a little too close to home, well it gives people something to think about it.

Thanks Clint Eastwood for giving America your thoughts, you sure did “Make My Day!”


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