Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father’s Day to a wonderful Dad!

daddy1There is no greater joy in life than watching your child father his child.  Ryan is such an amazing Dad to Abby.  He’s so gentle and kind with her, he always stoops down to her level to interact with her, and she just soaks up his attention like a little sponge.  His patience amazes me, he always takes time to play with her, to guide her, to answer her constant questions.  It tugs at those heartstring just to watch the two of them interact.

Nobody one can set her off in a fit of giggles like her “Da-Da.”  Nobody makes her eyes light up like he does when he enters a room.  I feel to blessed this Father’s Day to have, along with LC, raised such a wonderful, good person as my son.

Happy Father’s Day Ryan, your mom is so proud of you!!!


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