Saturday, June 16, 2012

Drugstore Alternative for Smashbox Photo Finish, Monistat Chafing Relief Powder Gel



This is definitely the find of the year, ladies!  In fact this might just be my best find, ever!  Smashbox Photo Finish Foundation Primer is the most amazing product.  You put it on your skin, and it smooths your skin, fills in pores and your makeup glides on like silk.

I’ve used it “sparingly” for several years, ever since my friend, Barb, told me about it.  It’s a wonderful product, but it’s a tiny bottle, and it’s also spendy.

Barb and I were at lunch last month and she was talking about how her last bottle cost even more than the $36 we used to pay.  Now the prices have raised to $42, and that’s for that tiny little 1 ounce bottle.

So the quest was on, I searched online to see if there could possibly be an alternative that would work similar to the pricey Smashbox Photo Finish.

Well, it only took a few minutes, people were raving about Monistat Chafing Relief Powder Gel, sold for chafing and irritation of underarms, breasts and the bikini area.  They said that the ingredients were identical, except for a couple of vitamins that Smashbox threw in, and that it works exactly the same for a fraction of the cost.


I found it at CVS with the feminine products, way at the bottom of the shelf, and it was $8.50 for 1.5 ounces. 

So I snapped it up, brought it home, and the next morning I took it for a spin.

I opened the container, squeezed out a pea sized pearl, put it on my face, and O. M. G. it was exactly the same as Smashbox.  EXACTLY.  Same look, same feel, I applied it and my skin felt like silk, my makeup just glided on, I was absolutely thrilled with this find.

Bottom line, 1 ounce of Smashbox Photo Finish – $42

1.5 ounces of Monistat Gel – $8.50

Pretty cool, huh.  $8.50 and it’s a larger amount then Smashbox by .5 ounces.

When you apply it, put a pea sized pearl in your hands, warm slightly and apply in a downward motion on your face.  Don’t apply in circles, as it tends to ball up just a bit when you do this, or at least Smashbox did, just apply in downward strokes.  You will love the way it makes your face feel.

This is one of the best ever finds, treat yourself this weekend.  You won’t be disappointed, pinkie swear you won’t!  And shame on Smashbox for charging such an outrageous price for the same product ingredients that Monistat charges so little for.

And, if this gets your wheels spinning just Google “drugstore alternative” for any product that you buy and would like to purchase cheaper.  You never know what you might come up with.

Happy Saturday!!!

~ Jan


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