Sunday, March 11, 2012

I’m going to grow moss this year….


I was talking to my friend, Trish, earlier today about my two small flagstone paths that I have in my patio, and how it’s shady and always damp and that I want to grow moss around the stones and hopefully end up with a miniature version of this photo.

My theory was to dig it up from the woods and transplant it, but she told me that I could blend moss with buttermilk in my blender, so I’m going to try it and hope that LC doesn’t realize what’s going on.  Oh sure, he won’t…

But anyhoo, here’s what I found in case anybody else is interested -

You can “propagate” moss by taking a handful of moss adding about one cup of buttermilk and one cup of water and mixing it in the blender. Take the concoction and pour or paint it onto the surfaces that you want to grow moss. Remember that moss likes moist shady conditions. If the area that you are planning your moss garden has these conditions, it should grow fine. Moss Acres sells spores online. There are many moss species native to your area which can be found in the local forests. Just take a short hike into these areas and you should find plenty of different moss species growing on rocks, rotting logs and along creeks. It is very easy to scoop some up and put it into a plastic bag for home. It transplants very easily.


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