Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dreaming of days ahead…


I’ve been talking to hubby about moving the roses you see in the foreground of this picture to the patio.  When I bought them they were “supposed” to be carpet roses, that’s what the tag said, and instead some of them were full sized knockouts, and they weren’t right for the space.  They were too big and made the front entrance look overgrown.

So this morning, I’m in bed, because I’ve had a bug that I’m trying to get over, I hear the garage door go up, think nothing of it, and in about fifteen minutes, my cell phone rings.  It’s LC calling me from the yard.  He’s moved the roses!  WHAT, HE’S MOVED THE ROSES!!!!!  Without me to supervise and tell him exactly which ones go where, OMG, sick or not, I hustle it out of bed and race out the door to find that he put them exactly where I would have.  But, of course, I had to pull up this picture from last summer to make sure he got the right ones where I wanted them, and decided to publish it, just so the rest of you could get a taste of what’s coming at your house.  Oh, spring, glorious spring, I can’t wait!!!!


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