Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Ahhhhhh, the fruits of the season…


Is there anything better than fresh fruit?  I’ve had enough of watermelon and cantaloupe, I’m even tired of peaches now, I’m ready for the fall fruits.

Veronica just came back from Michigan, dropped off a peck of Golden Delicious Apples for me, and they are AMAZING.  That was dinner tonight, swiss cheese, apples and crackers.  I should have cracked open that bottle of Posey County Red that Ang brought over, it would have been perfect.

So now I’m searching for pears.  If I can find them, I’ll make a batch of Aunt Mae’s Pear Honey, the recipe is ancient, but oh so good.  I’ll dig out the recipe and post it on Jan CAN Cook for all of you.

I’m hoping that this is summer’s last hurrah, temps of 100 degrees are posted for the next couple of days.  Enough of this, it’s time for sweaters and jeans, bonfires and weiner roasts. 

A girl can dream, can’t she?  Even if the hot weather is holding on for dear life, there is a nip in the air in the evening.  I’m just waiting…


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