Thursday, July 7, 2011

Memories that last a lifetime…

As I look back over my life to moments that were truly memorable, it’s feelings that I remember most.  Not what kind of car we drove, where we lived, where we vacationed, nothing superficial, just those simple things I talk about so often that I remember most.

  • The smell of the earth after a summer rain
  • Hanging clothes on the line to dry on a bright summer morning and the way they smelled of sunshine as I folded and put them away
  • Clean little boys, fresh from their bath, running through the house into my arms. Just inhaling their sweet little boy scent and kissing those soft little cheeks, it was pure magic
  • Crickets and frogs and fireflies on a summer evening
  • Pitchers of sun tea in a big glass jar
  • Mother coming to visit with a bouquet of flowers, sometimes picked along the road
  • The smell of new mown hay as hubby and I took evening rides in the country
  • A pretty sundress, worn with a summer tan
  • Summer days, spent at the lake with the boys and Muffin, our cocker spaniel. Veronica and I, sitting right in the water in our lawn chairs, talking, one eye always on the kids.

I could go on and on, the older I get, the most I reminisce about my younger years.  I appreciate what life gives me more today than when I was younger, wisdom really does come with age…


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