Saturday, April 16, 2011

Mother says, and Mother is always right…

I think of my mother so often, especially in the spring when flowers start blooming and trees are showing their blossoms.  She loved spring, even though when I was growing up, it was a hard time of the year for us, living alone in the country.  We had an acre of ground that we mowed, and after the winter, a yard full of sticks and limbs to trim, flowerbeds to weed, a garden to plow.  But we did it, and she did it with grace, never complaining, just doing what needed to be done.

She always said that if you have a late Easter, you will have a late spring, early Easter, early spring.  I think of that so often, and how she was so right.  Especially this year, when Mother Nature just won’t give us a break.  We have a few warm days, and then it’s cold again.  I’m ready to be planting geraniums, haunting the garden centers, enjoying the great outdoors, and we are cloudy in Heavensville this morning, with a predicted high in the low fifties.

And so I wait it out, dreaming of warmer days ahead, and thinking this morning of how it used to be, what a simple life it was, and what good memories I have…

You might enjoy rereading a scrapbook page I made a few years ago, about spring when I was a child.  There’s a picture of my beloved childhood ditch on the page…


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