It's monumental because the day after I brought him home, I was actually able to put these on and zip them. Unreal huh? I only gained sixteen pounds with that pregnancy, but before you go getting all impressed, you have to remember that I never got back into my pre-pregnancy jeans after I had John and when I got "preggo" with Ry, I knew I had better watch it or I would be "el lardo" after he was born.
And the size on these bad boys - a 12, I was never a skinny minnie, but let me tell you when these jeans fit me three days post delivery, I was soooooo thrilled! And even though I tell myself I still wear size 12 jeans, we all know better. Yeah, the tag says a 12, but those low rider jeans are very forgiving. If I had to put on a pair with a high waist, no telling what size I would wear with this thick thru the middle post-menopausal body. I would probably run screaming from the dressing room, yelling "nooooooooooooooooo wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy" at the top of my lungs.
And now they're popular again. These are from the Gap, $79 - now if I were Nisha, I would still have my old ones in the closet, but of course mine have been gone for years.
And no, I have no desire to buy them again. Well, maybe if I lost twenty pounds, just for old times sake. ;o)
Lord Have Mercy! I saw this headline today "High-waisted pants are back" and I about croaked! Please no. No...