Saturday, November 13, 2010

Looking forward to Thanksgiving…

Especially this year, since hubby is retiring next week and won’t have to work thru the holidays. 

Like most of you, we stick to our family traditions, but we’ve decided to shake it up just a little bit this year and abandon Dear Abby’s Pecan Pie, which we have been making for the past thirty something years in favor of trying Pioneer Woman’s Pecan Pie.  That Pioneer Woman is totally awesome, so her pie must be good.

And we’re going to make the recipe I got from the LA Food Times for Banana Coconut Cream Pie with Coconut Crust, which is nectar of the gods, and has more calories than you want to think about.  It’s the crust that takes it to the next level, butter and coconut, why wouldn’t it be good.  But damn those calories, it’s Thanksgiving, I’m gonna eat it alllllll, girlfriends…

If you’re interested, here are the links -

Lawry’s Coconut Banana Cream Pie>>>

Pioneer Woman’s Pecan Pie, the pie that’ll make you cry>>>

Gobble, gobble Waddle, waddle… ~ jan


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