Oh, do I ever hate the thing. Remember my post a few weeks ago about the new microwave and how I wasn't liking it? Everybody said, "just hang on, you'll get used to it, it will be okay." Oh yeah, right. Well I've hung on and I'm not getting used to it and I still hate it. It's hard to operate, it doesn't work worth crap and do you know what happened this morning????
Oh, I'm still fuming. Okay, here's my rant. I've cooked my morning poached egg in the wave for years now, years, and I've never had a problem, never. Put hot water in a mug, add a spash of white vinegar, a pinch of salt, slide my egg into the water and nuke for a minute fifteen seconds. Comes out perfect every time.
I even managed to make it in this new disaster of a wave and it worked okay.
So this morning, I'm nuking my egg, pouring coffee and all of a sudden I hear the blast from hell from the area of the microwave. It blew up... my egg BLEW UP! It spewed egg and water all over the interior of the gawdawful contraption, and when I opened the door, it dripped blobs of egg down on my stovetop. Oh, I'm seeing red, can you tell???
I would like to get rid of the damn thing, but I just bought it. If this doesn't improve in the next thirty days, it's going on eBay. But whatever you do, if you see my auctions, don't bid on it!!!
Even hubby doesn't like it, his popcorn is not popping like the old one, so that's a major issue in itself around here.
And how is your day going? Mine is spouting profanity, as you can tell, which doesn't help at all, and once again reminding yours truly that Grammie has to clean up her mouth. Little pitchers, ya know....
Incubating and Hatching Chicks
1 hour ago
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