Saturday, November 20, 2010

Date Night...

Since I was a teenager, I've always thought of Friday night as date night.  And with hubby's work schedule in recent years, they've been far and few between.  But that's all changed, and now we can go out again on Friday night.

Here we are last night, doesn't he look thrilled?  Do you think he even wants to date me??  I'm thinking by the looks of this picture, maybe not, he doesn't look very happy.   I,  however, was absolutely estatic to be  going out on Friday night!  We were supposed to double date with Rich and V, but they were grounded and couldn't go.

And how was my evening?  Well, we went to Deerhead, where I had a catfish sandwich that I "thought" I wanted, but I was drooling at everybody else scarfing down ooey gooey pizza.  So I decided right then and there that I want pizza for my birthday dinner next week.  Got that family, pizza, preferably John's homemade, which is the best pizza in the world, seriously, it is!

Then we went to the movies, saw Wall Street, Money Never Sleeps, which I thought hubby would enjoy, and he did.  However, yours truly thought it was the most gawdawful movie I've ever seen in my life.  All that Wall Street lingo, I was lost from the beginning.  But he's sat through enough chick flicks with me, that it didn't hurt me to watch this.  Compromise, remember.

And it was fun to get out, and he did tell me I looked nice and opened my car door for me, so all in all, it was an "okay" date.  I think I'll go out with him again, if he asks...


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