Sunday, July 18, 2010

ComfortIs Review…

I talked a few months ago about my fur kids and our battles with the dreaded fleas.  Maggie is allergic to Advantix, so we used Frontline Plus, it would work for two weeks, and the fleas would return.  We bombed the house, washed the bedding, put that FrontLine on faithfully, and yet the fleas persisted.

So, at the advise of Angi, for whom I shall always be grateful, I tried ComfortIs.  It’s a fairly new flea med, prescription only, under $15 a month, and it’s a pill.  No more putting that liquid on their backs and not being able to bathe them for days, you just give them this beef flavored pill and the fleas die within 30 minutes and don’t come back!

Well, is it working???  YES, YES, YES!!!!!!!!!!  It really works!!!!!  For the first time in ages, we haven’t seen those pesky little devils on the girls.  I’m sold, it’s a great product, you do have to administer it on a full stomach or they can upchuck.  That happened to Mags once, about two hours after she had taken it, but we were safe, it’s effective after an hour, and she only threw up the one time, probably because her tummy wasn’t as full as it should have been.  So now I feed them immediately after a meal.

It doesn’t have heartworm protection, that’s the only disadvantage, but this is by far the best produce I’ve found.  So if you’re having problems with your canine buddies this summer, you might want to try this.  It’s a good thing…

~ jan


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