Friday, May 7, 2010

Wow, I must be doing something right....

I don't bake often anymore, and I always "forget" to buy something at the store.  The family is coming in for Mother's Day, and even though I'm not cooking, it wouldn't be Mom if I didn't have dessert for them.

I went to the store today, got what I needed, put it on the counter tonight.  Oops, I forgot to buy vanilla.  Looked on a top shelf, there sat a new bottle.  Whew.  I read my recipe, I need two cups of sugar.  Drats, the sugar canister is almost empty.  I look on a shelf in my pantry and shoved to the back is a whole new 5 lb. sack of sugar.  Whew.  Oh-oh, I need powdered sugar for the frosting, I KNOW I don't have enough.  OMG, I found a WHOLE unopened box.

What's going on here?  I lucked out three times.  Never happens, EVER.  I think I have hubby to thank for this, he's always replenishing supplies for me. 

So life is good tonight, I don't have to run back to the store for anything.  ~ jan


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