Saturday, January 2, 2010

This really wasn’t that hard, mindless, actually…

LAST NAME GAME…. It’s harder than it looks! Use the 1st letter OF YOUR LAST NAME to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real places, names, things, nothing made up. You can’t use your name for the boy/girl question.

1. What is your last name?……………………………… C*****
2. A 4-Letter Word:………………………………………………Card
3. A Girl’s Name:…………………………………………………Caroline
4. A Boy’s name:…………………………………………………….. Curt
5. An occupation:…………………………………Chef :-)
6. Color:…………………………………………………………Chartreuse
7. Something you wear:………………………………………Coat
8. A beverage:……………………………………………Coke (Diet)
9. A food:…………………………………………………………Corn
10. Something found in the bathroom:……………Comb
11. A Place:…………………………………………………Caracas
12. Animal:……………………………………………………… Cougar


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