Saturday, December 5, 2009

I keep forgetting to tell you…

For the last year or so, I’ve had so many problems with my eyelashes thinning, even little clumps falling out.  I attributed it to aging, but a couple of months ago, I switched mascara. 

My eyelashes are coming back in, thicker and fuller, apparently I was allergic to the one I was using.  I’ve used Maybelline forever, tried a badzillion other brands, but always go back to it.  But a year or so ago, I started using their Intense XXL Volume, it had fiber builders on one end, and then mascara on the other.  I’m thinking I must have been allergic to those fiber builders.

So now I’m using the Maybelline Colossal Volume, in the fat yellow tube, and not having any problems at all, but it still bulks up the lashes.  I keep meaning to tell you this, maybe some of you are having problems as well.  It wouldn’t hurt to switch product and see if it helps…


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