Sunday, December 20, 2009

A Christmas present that won’t cost you anything….

I’ve gotten older, hopefully a bit wiser, and my life experiences have made me realize that this moment is all we have, seize it, live it, tomorrow may be too late.

One of the things that I do, and I’ve touched on this before, is that when I say goodbye, I always tell my family I love them, always.

I never leave them without hugging them and telling them “I love you,” and I never hang up the phone without saying it.  It comes as natural to me as saying “goodbye” does.  You may think, “my family doesn’t do this, I would feel awkward, or embarrassed.”  So, what if you do?  And so what if it’s awkward, or maybe even uncomfortable at first, you’re telling them what’s in your heart.

And you don’t do it once and quit, you keep doing it over and over again until it’s as natural for you to say it as it is to say goodbye.  And I’ll just bet you that they will start saying it back to you, and maybe even saying it first.

It’s a wonderful gift you can give the people you love, it doesn’t cost you anything, and the rewards are amazing.  And if, god forbid, it’s the last time you see or talk to them, they will always remember what your last words to them were. 

If you never try anything new, you will always get the same old results, but if you go out on a limb, and take a chance, a whole new world opens up. 

Just take a deep breath and say it, ”I love you,”  it’s a wonderful gift.

~ jan


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