Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Shoulder pads are back!!!!!

That’s what I’m reading ladies, they’re back!!!!! And if it’s true. I’m  absolutely thrilled

Oh my, I bet my buddy V is rolling her eyes right now, she absolutely detested the things, but yours truly was the shoulder pad queen.  I loved, loved, loved them!  In fact I had a whole box full of them that I just pitched a couple of years ago.  Drats!  I should have hung on to them, I knew I should have when hubby talked me into pitching them.  Why do we listen to men anyway, what do they know!

Shoulder pads got a bad rap  largely because they made some of them so oversized that you looked like a linebacker.  But the soft, subtle ones give great structure, and make clothes hang really well.

Oh, I’m doin’ the happy dance here, can’t wait for them to show up in the stores!

Here’s a link if you want to read about them ~

~ jan


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