Friday, May 22, 2009

Remember Helen Crump???

I was watching TvLand with hubby tonight, and Andy Griffith was on.  His lady love, Helen Crump was at a party, and oh, she was so cute.  Tall and thin, in a pretty dress, with her false eyelashes on, she was flitting around, and I was reminded of what a fan of hers I was when I was a teenager.  I Googled her, sadly she died in 1995.  These actors, to me, are frozen in time, it’s always shocking to see them age or find out that they have passed away.  Speaking of which, has anyone seen Donna Douglas (Ellie Mae Clampett) lately?  Oh my, it’s downright scary, she still has the same hairdo, still wears the same clothes, but she’s older than dirt, now…

Here is Aneta Corsaut’s biography…

Born in Hutchinson, Kansas, Corseaut made her feature film debut appearing opposite Steve McQueen in the cult favorite ‘The Blob’ in 1958. In 1964 she landed the recurring role of Helen Crump in ‘The Andy Griffith Show’. It is the role for which she is probably best remembered. Other television apperences included that of Nurse Bradley on ‘House Calls’ during the late 1970s and early 1980s, as well as guest roles in dozens of television shows including ‘Emergency’, ‘Gunsmoke’, ‘Hart to Hart’ and ‘Matlock’ with her old co-star Griffith, the last time in 1991. She died four years later in Studio City, California, after a battle with cancer.

Note:  I also Googled to see if she was married, or had children, here’s what I found - 

She was a lesbian but had to keep it in the closet because of the family type of show the "Andy Griffith Show" was.

Now why am I shocked at this, I’m never shocked….. hmmmmmmm


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