Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Did you ever find a four-leafed clover???

Four Leaf Clover - Four Leaf Clover PictureSadly, I never have, the four-leafed clover has eluded me my entire life.  I remember the lazy days of the summers of my girlhood, sitting barefoot, in shorts and a sleeveless shirt, with my friends in a patch of clover, combing thru every leaf, looking for the rare speciman, while we talked about our dreams and the sun warmed our backs and streaked our summer bleached hair.

Some were lucky enough to find them, and  they would save them to press in the yellowing celluloid picture holders in their wallets, often in front of a boyfriend, or a hope-to-be’s photograph…

But not me, I never found even one.  And this spring, as I take the M&M’s for their potty runs, and they frisk in the clover field just down the road, while I’m waiting for them to do their doggie doo’s, I find myself still picking thru the clover, hoping that someday I will finally get lucky.

Wouldn’t it be thrilling, if I could find just one, and maybe I will, someday.  Hope springs eternal, you know…


  1. Jan, just keep'll find one eventually. I've found a lot in past years (when my eyes were better, LOL...and I had more time!); they're there, you just have to take the time to see them.


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