Wednesday, February 4, 2009


“Just write something down each day, large or small, it doesn’t really matter what it is, just do it.”

Five things I’m dreaming about

  1. Sitting on the patio on a warm evening, listening to the frogs, smelling the wild honeysuckle, sipping Jasmine tea.
  2. Planning an early morning ride on Milly, the M&M’s riding shotgun as we tool around the neighborhood.
  3. Breakfast outdoors, hot coffee, fresh scones, blackberry jam and fresh squeezed orange juice, all consumed whilst reading the morning paper.
  4. A visit to the nursery, perusing the greenhouse, looking for the perfect speciman to plop in a fat clay pot.
  5. A filled bird feeder, with chickadee’s galore feasting in the warmth of the sun.



  1. i want to do this too! your daydreams are a perfect prayer of gratitude for anyone jan!


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