Monday, January 19, 2009

The M&M’s first You Tube Video……

mol Hooterville, aka Digital Gurl, has been here for the weekend, and she took amazing pictures of the girls.  I made a slideshow and uploaded it to YouTube for all of you.  It’s my first attempt, I’ll get better with this after I do more, but it’s easy to do these when you have such cute little fur kids pictures to work with.  Hope you enjoy our little presentation. 

Rather than imbedding the video, as I normally do, I’m going to give you a URL to link to, because if you do it this way, when you link to the video, underneath the viewing area you will see an option to watch in high quality – click that option and the video will be a much better quality.

~ jan

Here’s the click…


  1. How do you stand so much cute around you!!!! Very sweet girls.

  2. Well, let me tell you, there is a whole lot of kissing and snuggling that goes on at our house... They are precious little souls...
    ~ jan

  3. Adorable Jan!!! loved the credits too!!!-Christa


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