Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A blast from the past this cold January afternoon…


munchframe Hooterville was going thru some old files this afternoon and she came across this old website I built for Munchie, oh it was a long time ago,  probably ten years or so.

It  was hosted on a site called Tripod, I can’t believe the files are still there. 

It is the first page I ever built, this is where my love of playing on the computer started, so if you would like to take a little trip down memory lane, here’s the click to the site.

There is even music, which of course annoys the hell out of everybody, I would never do that anymore.  But it’s a fun look at my sweet Munchie, my first Yorkie, the one who will always be the Queen!

On the goldfishy page, Munchie is licking the aquarium.  I smeared the glass with peanut butter that day to get her to lick it.  That’s the same aquarium  that Munchie toppled into one day when she slipped hurrying down the stairs.  She lost her footing, flipped off the side of the stairs and totally submerged herself, if I had not have been right there, the poor little pooch would have drowned.  Oh it was awful! I was horrified at the time, but we’ve all had a few chuckles about it over the years, Veronica was laughing about it just while ago….

It was fun looking at all of this again, I hadn’t seen these pages in years!  Thanks Jean, you always find the good stuff….


  1. Oh, what a cutie pie Munchie was! I remember Tripod! Wow, that WAS a long time ago. But then, I just got my first computer 10 yrs ago...I have so much to learn! It's a darling site and your golfish made me think about doing another aquarium....I know I shouldn't but .....I had a 60 gallon one once with only fancy golfish was so pretty~ the back of it was black, so the fish really stood out. I miss them....gave it away when I moved though.


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