Monday, December 29, 2008

Why is it???

IMG_7167I was talking to Maggie and Mollies breeders this morning, Anna and Stef, as we’re redoing some of their webpages, and Anna was telling me about Jack, a Yorkie she has now, and how he is the most special dog she’s ever had.   She’s been breeding dogs for over twenty years,  why is it that this particular dog means so much to her?

I understand what she means, because for me, Maggie is my one dog in birthdaybike4-15-08_cra lifetime.  Some of  my friends get upset with me when I acknowledge this, but it’s true.  There is just something about Maggie that is so special to me.  It’s not that I don’t or haven’t loved my other dogs, dearly. I’m absolutely crazy about Mollie, she is the sweetest little soul, but there is just something about Maggie that tugs at my heartstrings like no other dog ever has...  Just had to share that this afternoon


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