Friday, September 5, 2008

There's always a rainbow....

It's been a really, really bad time reinstalling windows, trying to get everything loaded and working.  I've threatened to get into the Jack, even though I detest the taste of whiskey, and would have to go buy a bottle.  Yeah, it's been that bad.  Had it not been for Hooterville, I really would have thrown the computer in the yard.

Maggie has been a little imp all day.  She has bugged me relentlessly, bringing me toys, barking at me, I would give up and play for a bit with her, and then she would start it again.  It's so cool today, she apparently was just feeling her oats.

Finally, about 7pm, I gave up, took her and Mollie on Milly over to Trish's, rousted her out of her house in her jammies and a hoodie with London in tow, and turned the dogs loose to play.  OMG, you should all have seen them, they rolled and romped and played, and when both London and Mollie gave it up, Mags just kept going.

Finally, forty-five minutes later, darkness was fast approaching, I tried gathering up the dogs to come home, but Maggie would have no part of it.  She ran from me and from Trish, she would NOT let us catch her, despite me pleading with her, promising her din-din, tweeties, daddy, ANYTHING, but nope, she would just scamper away from us and run circles.

Trish finally lured her on the patio and managed to corral her.  Oh she was naughty, but oh it was such a blessing to see her with all that energy.

Fast forward an hour, Ryan and Lindsay had sent a box to LC and when he got home from work and opened it, there were two little cheerleader outfits in it for the M&M's, red for Alabama, Linds said.  I'll get them all dressed and take their picture for you.  Too funny for words, and definitely the rainbow that brightened my day.  I wish I could share my daughter-in-law with all of you, Lindsay is just the BEST!!!!!!

And how's the computer working? I'm doing okay, loading up all my programs now, still have a few bugs, but for the most part I'm up and running.  Hopefully I'll be back to my usual nonsense shortly.

G'nite all, I'm going to soak in the tub.....


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