Saturday, June 28, 2008

Remember when there were good movies!!!!

Hubby isn't working tomorrow, we're going to eat with V and Rich, so I checked the movie listings, hoping for a flick that we would enjoy. There wasn't one movie that interested me, not one. This is pretty much the norm, if you aren't a young, testosterone driven male you might as well hang it up. Hollywood is missing the boat, baby boomers love movies, we flock to see something that interests us.

There used to be great movies. Remember movies like Bonnie and Clyde, and Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid? Oh Redford and Newman were simply awesome. I loved it when they jumped off the cliff and went, Ohhhhhhhh shit!! We thought that was really racy at the time.

Katherine Ross was so beautiful in that film. I remember thinking how I would love to look just like her.

No chance of that, but I did think she was just spectacular.

I remember going to see Dr. Zhivago and I was just mesmerized by the cinematography. The scenes in the snow with Julie Christie in the fur hooded cape were breathtaking, and Omar Shariff was so handsome.

The youth of today won't be able to look back at the movies of their generation like we can, to when films were really good.

I was eighteen when I went to see The Graduate. Oh was it scandalous, that older women seducing that younger man.

I think I actually enjoyed the soundtrack more than I did the movie, though. It just didn't ring my chimes.

But it did create quite a stir, of course today it would be PG rated, and not a big deal.

And then there was Guess Who's Coming to Dinner. Another shocker that people wouldn't think twice about today.

I have always adored Katharine Hepburn, and saw all of her movies. This one was as special as the rest of them.

See what I mean about good movies? I've listed five movies from the 60's that were absolutely wonderful. Can you do the same now? I think not.

I guess if I had to name recent favorites it would be Something's Gotta Give with Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson, of course I did enjoy Sex and the City, and I thought the first National Treasure was kind of special, as well as Pierce Brosnan and Renee Russo in the Thomas Crown Affair, but that was in 1999!!!!

See what I mean, just nothing good out there this summer... Sad, isn't it...


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