Monday, May 19, 2008

okay gang, i need something...

It isn't often that I ask you guys for anything, well except for the times that I begged for recipes, and Favorite Things. You always come across for me, so here I go, one more time. This is painless tho, I promise and the results will be so cute....

I'm redoing my index page and I really need some childhood pictures of all of you. You know the cute stuff when we were young and adorable. I want to include your pictures on my album page. It can be you as a little girl, teenager, whatever you have that you can scan and send me. And just think, after I've finished building the page with your pictures on it, when you are really bored, you can just click on munchiebusiness and look at yourself... Smile 4Giggle 2Hysterical

Ya, that's me when I was about four, in my majorette boots at my Grandma Smith's house...

Now it's YOUR TURN!!! ASAP, of course Thank You 4


~ jan


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