Little Miss Maggie Moo is wild about oranges, WILD for them. She even likes those icky Florida ones. The other day I saw her trying to bury something in the couch. Well, actually she doesn't bury it IN the couch, but ON the couch, she puts her treasures in plain site and thinks she has hidden them. I didn't know what it was, and on closer inspection, it was an orange peeling, much chewed, I might add. Now why would she like to chew on an orange peel. You would think that she would hate the strong taste of it, but apparently not.
Just now, I walked to the kitchen, and there was half of an orange on the floor, and she had been having herself a really good time with it. I haven't a clue as to how she got it, apparently I ate half of an orange, didn't realize I didn't eat the rest and she snagged it.
So now I have this citrus smelling pooch asleep in her bed on my computer desk. Not complaining, though, I've smelled MUCH worse...
Jan, 'doin the happy dance now that the header is working...
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