Thursday, December 20, 2007

And so it begins....

Today was a trial run on the little Williams Sonoma Gingerbread Cake I told you about. I made it EXACTLY like they told me to in the instructions. Of course it didn' work, instructions are always wrong, it puffed up way too much, so I fixed it - I took dental floss and cut it even with the top of the pan, turned it upside down, and TADA, it's a TRAIN!

Now this is just my first run-thru, and I used a spice cake mix, looks like the original train in the picture below was a vanilla cake, but you can see what I'm trying to attempt. I have some air bubbles in it, I need to tweak it, obviously, next I think I'll try that vanilla cake instead of the spice one, too.

I'll be boring all of you with this as it progresses, LC is going to build the board to put it on, we're going to make the track ahead of time, and the kids will all decorate it Christmas Eve...

And, finally, the picture below is what I hope it doesn't turn out like. I Googled Williams Sonoma Train Cake images, and this one showed up. Holy Schmoly, SURELY we can do better than these people did.... This is more of a train WRECK than a cake... Click on the bottom image and it enlarges, you can see detail..


  1. Ummm...cuz we are all so artistic??? Good luck with this one Milly :-)


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