Gotta keep up with the times, well actually I'm behind the times, but I'm trying, so I'll give this video blogging a whirl and see how it goes. Imagine the possibilities, dilly's, girlfriends, we can have just one big par-tee......
I've wanted to do this for quite a while now, but figured it would be complicated, since I'm so technically challenged. But of course Hooterville found this nifty little program, and after I upgraded to a new webcam (my old one didn't have a built in microphone) I'm up and running.
Poor LC, he is gonna be SO embarrassed.... Oh, old age is so much fun, you do whatever you want and to hell with the consequences......
And ya, I'm talking too fast, and I stumble over my words, but ya know what, girlfriends, the one thing I've learned is that life ain't perfect. I'm pretty much a what you see is what you get old girl these days....
Works for me...
Jan, doin' the happy dance.....
Installing Carpeting in My Home
2 hours ago
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