My poor little Maggie Moo has the haircut from hell, girlfriends. I took her to the groomer, Auntie Chris, last week, told her EXPLICITLY how to cut her, to leave her topknot, not trim her bangs and to trim her like Trish's London, who she also grooms, and has a skirted tummy and feathers on her legs - and did she, NO, NO, NO, she did NOT, she just sheared her all off!!!! This woman has trimmed Mags a couple of times before and did a great job, I just don't know what happened this time, unless she was busy and her sister, who works for her, trimmed Maggie instead of Chris.
When I picked her up I was actually speechless, which is a stretch for me for sure. The boys and their spouses were here for the weekend, they all had instructions to not razz me too much about it, and they didn't. They were very "sensitive" to the "situation."
You can click on the picture and it will enlarge if you really want to see how she looks. Actually, she looks adorable because Mags is SO cute no way she would ever look bad, even if she was bald. Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm prejudiced! And the little pink knot is unfortunately NOT holding her hair in a topknot because there is no hair to hold, it's actually her tshirt tied in a knot because now that she has no hair, it's too big! It just looks like it's on her head in the picture.
So, Maggie is wearing clothes, to help camouflage her scrawny little body, and no doubt I'll be purchasing a "few" items for her this fall to try and keep her warm until her fur grows back...
I snapped this pix this afternoon, note the fleurs in the background. My buddy, V, brought me some fresh hydrangeas a few weeks ago to add to my diminishing basket, since my little imp is proned to grab a stem as she whizzes by the basket and play with it. If you look closely next to her right side, you will see one kind of drooping down. Yep, she "thought" she was going to snatch it out of the basket, but got stopped, instead she's guarding her chewie from the big bad Munchkin.
Ahhhhh, dogs, even with bad haircuts, are adorable. Poor Munchie ALWAYS has a bad haircut because I'm the one trimming her. And to think that it cost me $45 for them to absolutely wreck Maggie's hair. Ohhhhhh, such frustration!!!!!!! OMG, this was actually more traumatic than ME getting a bad haircut!!!!!
Installing Carpeting in My Home
2 hours ago
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