Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Spring fever....

I have it, so does hubby, even the dogs have it. Everybody has a little more "spring" in their step this week. The tulip trees are blooming, the forsythia is ready to pop. Ahhhh, life is good. I'm listening right now to a red wing blackbird - my favorite bird sound of all - You can hear it, too - just go here, click on the Oakalee SONG wav file in the box at the top of the page - that's my childhood, living by the creek ditch sound. Ya it was a ditch, it was a pretty old ditch tho, overgrown on both sides, winding, twisting thru the trees kinda ditch... *sigh*

I go back often to my childhood home, either with hubby or Hooterville. Our house was in a valley and I love to park on the top of the hill that overlooks it, turn off the car engine, roll down the windows and just listen to the old familiar country sounds. You can't beat it! Nobody is living there now, and a few months back, Jean and I stopped, walked through the yard, sat on the porch. It was blissful.

And as I look into the living room, Little Miss Maggie Moo not only has dragged out every toy she could find, she has also plucked a silk geranium from a pot and shredded it in the floor. I can only imagine what is going to happen to my real flowers on the patio. I'm thinking I need to study my plants to make sure none are poisonious because my little pooch has a thing for blooms. She's a fleur girl, for sure!


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