You'll get used to it, really you will. I always hate change, too - but this is SO much easier for me to work with than the old Movable Type setup I was using. One of the great features we now have are labels. If you will scroll down the sidebar on the right, you will see the header labels, and underneath there are titles, Celebrities, Dirt, Dogs, Hooterville, etc. When I post an entry, I also post labels, so if you just want to look what I've been saying about a certain subject, you just click on one of the Labels, for instance, if you click on Yorkies, all the posts I've made about the M&M's will appear. Slick, huh?
I'll keep adding info to that sidebar, so keep checking it out. I need to make all of my Bedside Table Books hyperlinks so that you can click and read a synoposis. I'll get there, just takes time. And I'll try to bring more color into the next skin I do for this page. Patience, dear hearts, patience.....
I've also revamped GirlTalk, so it will be up and running later today. I'll post the necessary info on that when I get it published. I think you'll really like the changes I've made to it. I'm trying to get input about it from Tonia, but they're having internet problems this weekend. I really like having the Dillys give me their opinion, they are right on top of all the girl stuff.... Mandi gave me some good suggestions for GirlTalk yesterday, also... I love all the fresh ideas from the 20's & 30's crowd, it breathes new life into the rest of us "old girls."
Best looking blog you've ever had! Nice sleek and clean look ... finally! I'm so glad that you took my advice and made the switch.