Hubby came back from WallyWorld with 2 HUGE bags of Gummi Bears... The kind with REAL fruit. I can now tell you that I am absolutely sick of Gummi's. Maybe this is what it took, a major pigout for me to get past the fact that I have obsessed about them for weeks now... Well I do have 1.5 bags left, but these were really, REALLY big bags, ladies...
Did you ever have a major wad of gummi's in your tummy? Not a good thing, trust me on this.
Will I ever learn? Why would I eat gummi's at my age anyway. Well, V overdoses on Peeps, now those little dudes are nasty, IMO. *sigh* to each his own...
Reinforcing My Raised Vegetable Garden Beds
19 hours ago
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