Wednesday, April 9, 2008

What the heck????

See this picture, now this is old, ladies. Do you recognize this woman? You don't? Click on her, make her larger, then check out the black hair bow? Ahhhhh, now you recognize her, don't you??? Sure you do, it's Rose Marie, from The Dick Van Dyke Show. And why am I making the point that this poor lady is really old???

Well, I'm showing you her picture and telling you this because of what I got in the mail today. Oh, this is so depressing, I can't begin to tell you how depressing. I got this letter from Trans America Insurance Company Senior Security Final Expense Program.

They are trying to get me to buy insurance to help pay for my final expenses. MY FINAL EXPENSES!!!!!! I'm only 58, I'm still a pup somewhat spry dog. Why are sending me this crap? Now Rose Marie, she's old - send it to her!!!

My Final Expenses...... I don't think so, oh no, not for years yet, NOT FOR Y-E-A-R-S!!!!!!!!!!


  1. hey i'm with you old girl! the nerve!


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