Tuesday, June 29, 2021

 Oh, the stages of our lives.  I was such an avid blogger back in the day, these days, I post a lot of daily stories to Instagram - You can link and follow me here - https://www.instagram.com/janspicx  I'm active on Facebook, too, but I much prefer Instagram.  No negativity, no political posts on Instagram, it's just fun.

Life moves along, hubby and I are celebrating our 50th wedding anniversary this summer. The Grands are getting so big, Abby almost twelve, Ben, turning ten next month and Lexi is seven now.  It seems like it's all a blur, it passes so quickly.

We are enjoying living in Tennessee so much, our health is good, thank goodness the pandemic is hopefully behind us and we're grateful to be out and about again, eating in restaurants and shopping. I certainly have a new found appreciation of normal life, when it was all so abnormal for such a long time.

We got Maggie right before the pandemic and oh what a joy she has been.  The best dog we've EVER had.  Such a sweet, gentle little soul, she is just sunshine every day.  I wish I would have discovered Cavaliers years ago, they are a wonderful breed.

I just posted a wonderful recipe for freezing corn on Jan CAN Cook, so I took a minute for a little update here.  

Here is a link to the recipe, it's an old one, but oh so good.

And that's what's going on in my world.  You can always check out my Instagram daily stories (at the top of the Instagram page) for a glimpse as to what we're up to...

XXo ~ Jan

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