Thursday, December 20, 2012

Maggie Moo aka...

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I was just checking Pioneer Woman's blog and she had just posted an entry about her dog Charlie's nicknames.  And since I'm such a Pioneer Woman groupie, and short on time this morning, Dorothy's  going to follow down the yellow brick road and do the same with Maggie.

The first picture is baby Maggie at four months, the second is one of my favorites of her all wrapped up in my hoodie, just look at that face!!!!

And now for her nicknames, because like Ree, I seldom call her by her real name, why do that when there are so many choices.  And her real name?  Margaret MooLatte, aka Maggie Moo, however, she also goes by...

* Maggin Waggin'
* Horse Feathers
* Punky Brewster 
* Snookums
* Shake 'n Bake
* Punkin Pot
* Majjin Wajjin* 
* Maga-Mooooooo, Dog of my Dreams 

And my favorite of all, "Little Dog Child"

That's a lot of names to give such a small dog. 

That is all...



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