Friday, January 14, 2011

That damn microwave!

Okay ladies, you’ve heard me complain for a couple of months now about my new microwave from hell.  Excuse the profanity, but you have no idea of the grief this thing has given me.  It is not touch sensitive, I have to push and push to get it to even work. 

Well a couple of nights ago, I noticed that the touch pad area where the start button is had bubbled up.  Oh, I threw a hissy, stupid microwave, inferior product, it’s already starting to look worn.  Then I started looking closer.  Holy crap, I had forgotten to take off the protective film.  Well, it was hard to detect, even hubby, who normally catches everything, didn’t realize it was still on there.

So I peeled it off, and viola, it is now touch sensitive, works much better.  But I still hate it!  It’s not fast enough and I think it’s uglier than dirt, sitting there front row and center, above my stove. Grrrrr

And is my face red?  Heck no, you all know I’m a ditz!  But Geezy Pete, I should have realized the protective film was still on there.  Go figure…


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