Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My most memorable Valentine's Day....

It was not an ahhhhhhhhhhhh, it was an OH, NO!!!! Hubby and I had been married for about 12 years or so, and he comes home with a Valentine's Day present. I open it up, and it's an exercise suit! Today, I would think it was a great gift, but when you're in your mid 30's, it's not exactly romantic, know what I mean, Vern.

I was NOT a happy camper, and I let him know about it. Poor feller, he thought he was being such a good boy, and I acted like a total shrew about it.

Oh well, live and learn. Here we are on our 35th+ Valentines Day. It isn't exactly romantic this year, either, but I'm older and wiser and totally content just to be here and have him with me.


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